Food Banks Mississauga closes 9th annual Mayor’s City-Wide Thanksgiving Drive raising $783,963
With skyrocketing demand, Food Banks Mississauga urges the community to continue giving generously heading into the holiday season.
Food Banks Mississauga’s 2023 Thanksgiving Drive sponsored by Keurig Dr Pepper Canada, ran from September 11 to October 15, raising $783,963.
Food Banks Mississauga has seen rapid demand for food bank services across the city, showcased by an 82% increase in food bank use from prior to the start of the pandemic. This September, the food bank network saw 15,969 food bank users, a 46% increase from the previous year. One in 20 Mississauga residents are now using a food bank.
With a lofty one million dollar goal, the yardstick was set high and was beyond what was raised during the Thanksgiving period. With the need greater than ever, the funds raised needed to match the demand from folks dealing with food insecurity.
The funds raised during the Mayor’s City-Wide Thanksgiving Drive will support getting nutritious food out immediately to the 60+ agencies within the Food Banks Mississauga network.
Food Banks Mississauga urges people to continue to give during this critical time, as the organization relies on community support to operate. They assured that food bank users will not go without access to healthy and appropriate food, even as Food Banks Mississauga works diligently to continue raising funds.
“While we are appreciative and thankful for the gifts received, we were not able to meet our increased goal this year. Despite falling short of the goal, the community made valiant efforts to try and meet the need that continues to increase. We’ve heard many stories of previous donors who have been forced to turn to us for food as inflation and the cost of living continue to impact people’s livelihoods. For those of us who are able, I urge you to make a stretch gift, especially with the cold weather around the corner. Whether through a monthly gift or participating in our upcoming Holiday Drive, please give as you are able,” says Meghan Nicholls, CEO at Food Banks Mississauga.

Two volunteers from Food Banks Mississauga standing inside a local grocery store, holding a debit card donation machine, an urgently needed items postcard, and a donation collection jar.
“We went out with a very bold goal this year knowing that it was going to be a tough achievement. The point of this was to underscore that our community cannot simply do it alone. Now with unprecedented new pressures facing food banks – increases in food prices, a growing dependence from newcomers and refugees, growing housing costs – we call on other levels of government to step in and provide much-needed financial supports,” says Acting Mayor, Chris Fonseca.
A special thank you to this year’s Corporate & Community Awards recipients, Lakeview Community Partners Ltd. and the Virgin Mary and St. Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Church for their contribution of $30,000 each to the campaign.
The 2023 Thanksgiving Drive is proudly sponsored by Keurig Dr Pepper Canada.