
On the Road

By Jenna Cura
February 2, 2017
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food bank truck

Last week, we talked about everything that happens inside our warehouse, so this week we’re focusing on how it gets where it needs to go!

Steve DuttonThis is Steve – our full-time driver who delivers food to our member agencies all over the city. He also picks up donations from all of the places YOU donate to. On any given week, he will make deliveries to 15-20 agencies and pick up donations from grocery stores, fire halls, schools and other corporate donors all around the city. We’ve split the city into zones, but Steve still averages 400+ kilometers of driving every week!

Come along for the ride and see what a day on the road is like.

Load Up the Truck

First thing in the morning, Steve works with our warehouse team to prep the daily orders. Usually, the ‘dry’ food is already packed and ready to go on the truck but they still need to prepare all of the fresh and frozen items. Once this has been packed on the truck, he’s ready to hit the road!

Agency Deliveries

Agencies receive food based on their size and the number of clients they serve, so each order is slightly different. Once he arrives at the agency, he follows three simple steps:

  1. Bring the order inside.
  2. Help staff and volunteers unload the boxes.
  3. Sign the paperwork and say goodbye.

From here, the food goes directly to our hungry neighbours!




Picking up Donations

Once all of the deliveries are done, its time to fill the truck back up again! Steve keeps all of the donations separated according to where they are from so that they get properly entered into the warehouse inventory. And so we can say thank you to the donors!


Steve backs right into their loading bay and brings the donations directly onto the truck.

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Other Donors

Some of our community donors have permanent or temporary bins at their locations so Steve has to transfer the food directly into boxes on the back of the truck.










Even though the pick ups may look very different, the end result is the same: a full truck bringing healthy food back to the warehouse to be unloaded, sorted, then sent back out to the community!

If you’d like to ride along with Steve for a day, sign up to volunteer as a Truck Assistant! You’ll ride shotgun and help to deliver and pick up food – it’s a fun day!

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