Fresh hope this spring — thanks to you.
I wish you could see the difference you make through the eyes of the people you help. I wish you could see their faces light up, their eyes fill with relief and gratitude when they are able to put food on their table. With Mother’s Day just a few days away, it’s the mother figures
and caregivers who are most on my mind.
After all, food is one of the most common ways we show our loved ones we’re there for them. Imagine what it must feel like when that food feels out of reach.
Thankfully, you’re there — helping moms, grandmothers like Camila, and other caregivers across Mississauga take care of their families. That does my heart so much good — THANK YOU!
With food insecurity at an all-time high, knowing you’re there beside us keeps our team hopeful, motivated, and going strong for our community.
We’ve wrapped our 2023 Spring Drive and I’m grateful to everyone that supported this year! You’re helping us keep up with the record-high need. And a special thanks to our generous partner, Scotts Canada Ltd., for matching the first $15,000 and our anonymous donor that matched the first $10,000 towards our Give 30 movement!
Have you heard? We’ve officially moved into our new home at 4544 Eastgate Parkway! This larger warehouse will increase our capacity to accept and store a higher volume of fresh and frozen food for neighbours experiencing food insecurity across Mississauga.
Summer is around the corner, and families will face new challenges when school meal programs close for the year. But I know we can count on you to support our hungry neighbours through this tough season.
Together, we’ll make sure no child, no family, no senior, no one goes hungry in Mississauga, no matter what the coming months will bring.
With my heartfelt thanks,
Meghan Nicholls
Chief Executive Officer