Advocate with Us

To create a food-secure Mississauga, we provide food to those who need it now and advocate to decrease the barriers that prevent food bank visitors from living poverty-free. Use your voice to join us in fighting for policies that will decrease poverty and provide sustainable futures for our neighbours!

Join Us
Staged shot of smiling volunteer facing camera
Person shopping for food in warehouse shelves

Our advocacy work aligns with Feed Ontario’s four advocacy priorities – a great place to start your own advocacy work!

Improve Ontario's Social Assistance Programs

One out of every three food bank visitors receives income support through the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and/or Ontario Works (OW). The most that a single person on ODSP can receive is $1,308 per month, which amounts to less than $16,000 per year. Social assistance rates need to align with the true cost of living in our community.

Invest in Affordable Housing

76% of food bank visitors pay market rent, while only 11% access subsidized or social housing. The construction and repair of social and supportive housing need to be a priority in order for our neighbours to have enough money left over for food or other necessities after paying rent.

Build a Stronger Workforce

27% of food bank visitors report that their primary income is from full-time employment. If the provincial minimum wage remains so far below a living wage, those with steady employment from one or even multiple jobs will continue to be dependent on the food bank to balance their budgets.

Put People at the Centre

Our neighbours who have experience living in poverty are the experts on the realities of the challenges they face. It is crucial that their perspectives and insights are used to guide decision-making processes and strategy development of poverty reduction initiatives.

Visit Feed Ontario to learn more about their policy recommendations and how you can take action today.

Feed Ontario

Advocacy Allies

Looking for more opportunities to join our advocacy work? Reach out to learn more about our team of Advocacy Allies.

Join Us
Volunteers sorting and boxing foods

We are a welcoming and inclusive environment for all, regardless of any aspect of identity.

Contact us

If you’re looking for more information on how to use your voice to advocate on behalf of neighbours in need, reach out to us here!