Our vision is a Mississauga where everyone is food secure.
Who we are
Day in and day out, our team plays a vital role in ensuring that neighbours have access to healthy and appropriate food.
Meet the team
Finance & Governance Coordinator
Hazel Amodeo-Thomson
hamodeothomson@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 246 Food Procurement/Donations Specialist
Linda Bruce
lbruce@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 235 Donor Care & Database Specialist
Upasana Datta Pal
udattapal@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 850 Agency Network Data Specialist
Rini Fernandes, MSW, RSW
rfernandes@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 244 Foundations and Grants Officer
Laura Gatensby
lgatensby@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 871 Director of Strategic Initiatives, CEO's Office
Steph Hamilton
shamilton@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 869 Donor Engagement Officer
Alizeh Jaffrey Zaidi, MPNL
ajaffreyzaidi@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 223 Food Bank Programs Team Lead
Helena Krasilowez
hkrasilowez@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 842 Programs and Agency Network Coordinator
Aranee Mahendiran
amahendiran@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 872 Inventory Specialist
Ajay Santhosh Muthukumar
amuthukumar@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 864 Director of Programs & Agency Network
Nicole Norris, RD, MHSc
nnorris@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 238 Corporate Partnerships Officer
Sukaina Sumar-Ebrahim
ssumarebrahim@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 245 Marketing & Communications Specialist
Shanice Tadeo
stadeo@foodbanksmississauga.ca 905-270-5589 ext. 884 Join us as we work towards a Mississauga where everyone is food secure.
“Since starting this job I’ve had countless impactful conversations with Food Bank 2 Home folks. Every conversation has expanded my perspective, challenged my own ability to navigate difficult conversations, and motivates me to continue learning how I can best advocate for poverty reduction and food justice on a systemic level.”