Make a difference

Support neighbours facing food insecurity by donating, volunteering, creating a personalized fundraiser and more.

If you don’t need your $200 rebate, we know a neighbour in need who does.

Whether you donate some or all of your $200 Ontario rebate cheque, you’ll help provide food to neighbours in need through our network of 60+ agency members across Mississauga. With $200, we can:

  • Feed a child for two months.
  • Fuel one truck to reach neighbours in all corners of Mississauga.
  • Provide healthy food for 200 meals.
Donate now
A hand holding a $200 Ontario rebate cheque with a house front door in the background.
+9.1M lbs
Your support enabled us to distribute food for over 9 million meals, which is a 55% increase from the previous year.
+ 56K
Our network of 60+ agency members provided food to 56,267 neighbours last year - that’s 9% of Mississauga’s population, or 1 in 13 residents.
+ 33K
Thank you to all 1,125 of our volunteers who contributed 33,711 volunteer hours!
"This community is where I live, it is my home, and I have a part to play in its success. Giving my time, effort, and service is how I can contribute to making Mississauga a stronger and healthier community for all residents."
La-Toya, Volunteer

With your support, we operate a wide range of unique programs to ensure we meet neighbours where they need support the most.

The Food Bank 2 Home Delivery Program brings custom orders of healthy, fresh and shelf-stable food directly to homebound neighbours with mobility restrictions, who have a physical disability or short/long-term illness and who don’t live with a household member who can visit a food bank on their behalf.


Learn More About Food Bank 2 Home

The ReclaimFRESH Food Rescue Program works with local farmers, wholesalers, producers, and grocery stores to rescue and rehome surplus edible food. Through this program, we’re able to provide our agency members in all corners of Mississauga with continuous access to fresh fruit, vegetables, bread and more.


Learn More About ReclaimFRESH

The Income Tax Filing Clinic is a volunteer-run program that helps low-income households file their taxes. This support enables neighbours in need to receive tax benefits that provide much-needed funds they wouldn’t have received without the resources to file their tax returns.


Learn More About the Tax Clinic