
Hunger Warriors Spotlight | Trinity

By Jenna Cura
December 30, 2023
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Today’s spotlight is made up of holiday lights, and they’re shining brightly on Trinity, a grade eleven student from Streetsville!

Trinity is one of our Hunger Warriors – raising funds to provide healthy and appropriate food to neighbours facing food insecurity in Mississauga. She had the opportunity to help sort food at a local food bank while she was in elementary school, and this made her realize how much they rely on support from the community. With the impact of the Covid-19 and inflation post-pandemic, Trinity says she became more aware of how the prices of groceries had increased drastically and how it was impacting many of the people close to her.
“I decided to become a Hunger Warrior to try and provide for the people in my community.”
Trinity launched her fundraising campaign with a goal of raising $1,500. She reminded her supporters that “for every $1 we raise together, Food Banks Mississauga will be able to provide appropriate food for 1 meal to children, seniors, families and other neighbours facing food insecurity in Mississauga.” In addition to raising funds online, Trinity set out to recruit her community to aid in her efforts. Every holiday season, Trinity’s neighbour’s Christmas lights bring in people from all over – intentionally driving to her neighbourhood to enjoy the decorated trees, inflatable snowmen and Santas, and strings of twinkling lights. Trinity thought it “would be a great way to increase donations” and “make people in [her] community happy!”
On December 9th, Trinity hosted her “Pitch in for a Picture” event, where she invited her community and those visiting her neighbour’s light display to participate in her efforts to raise funds and shelf-stable food for Food Banks Mississauga. She sold hot chocolate for $2 (or one shelf-stable food donation) and offered photos at a winter photo booth for $4 (or two shelf-stable donations).
Trinity has already surpassed her $1,500 goal, raising over $2,000!  She says:
“Raising funds is one of the most fun and rewarding things I have ever done, and knowing how many people that I have helped through my fundraiser shows me that even I can have an impact. To anyone thinking of fundraising, do it!  Make sure you plan and stay organized, but other than that, have fun and meet new people! I have been introduced to so many new people in my neighbourhood through this experience and truly believe it has united the community.”

Fundraise for Food Banks Mississauga

Inspired by Trinity and her efforts to raise funds for Food Banks Mississauga? Become a Hunger Warrior and create YOUR own customized fundraising campaign today!

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