We’ve survived the second winter of the pandemic and I think we’re all extra grateful to feel the warm sunlight on our faces and see the first flowers peeking through this spring!
It’s so energizing to see things growing again. Not just the flowers, but the sense of hope and optimism in our community. Vaccinations are starting to roll out, and it’s such a relief to see some of our most vulnerable neighbours protected. Unfortunately, hunger is also growing in our community this spring. Since COVID-19 began, we’ve doubled the amount of food we’re giving out in our community.
Though we have reason to hope for brighter times to come, we’ll be grappling with the effects of the pandemic for many years to come. But here’s where hope comes in again—hope very much inspired by you!
Because even though the pandemic has lasted longer than any of us could have imagined, you just keep giving of yourself to feed and support neighbours in need.
Together as a community, we surpassed our Spring Drive financial goal, ensuring that children, families, seniors, and other vulnerable neighbours will have enough nutritious food all spring! A big thank you to our spring sponsor, Scotts Canada for their support.
Our community is also coming together in the spirit of Ramadan to feed vulnerable neighbours all across Mississauga by supporting our Give 30 campaign, taking place this month. Your unwavering support keeps the whole Food Bank team going each day.
It’s like the warmth of sunshine on our faces. And more importantly, it provides nourishment and hope for better days to our neighbours who are going through difficult times.
I wish you a wonderful spring and thank you so much for everything you do for vulnerable neighbours in our community.
With all my gratitude,
Meghan Nicholls
Chief Executive Officer