Fresh News

Volunteer Spotlight

By Jenna Cura
September 21, 2020
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Joseph, a food bank volunteer, smiling in front of a tree

Meet Joseph, Food Bank 2 Home Volunteer

For Joseph, the pandemic put things into perspective.

“It’s easy to get wrapped up in our busy lives and not think about how many people are struggling every day,” Joseph says.

Laid off from his job due to COVID-19, he slowed down and took notice of the real and growing need in our community. He decided to get off the sidelines and use his new-found free time to help his hungry neighbours.

Joseph knows that small acts of kindness can change someone’s life. And it’s not just about providing nutritious food. Recently, a Food Bank 2 Home client was celebrating her 95th birthday. The team signed a card, filled her delivery bag with treats, and wished her a happy birthday. The client was so moved that she called to thank them for making her feel special and cared for.

Thank you to Joseph and all of our selfless supporters for every small act of kindness that changes lives.

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