Fresh News

Staff Spotlight, Naheed Rampurawala

By Jenna Cura
June 13, 2021
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Meet Naheed Rampurawala, Programs Manager


Today we are shining the spotlight on Naheed, our Food Bank 2 Home Coordinator! 👋 Naheed first joined The Mississauga Food Bank team in August, 2020. “I started as a volunteer at The Mississauga Food Bank in the Food Bank 2 Home program and it made sense to convert my desire to help, into a passion for making a change when my position became available.”

Naheed’s favourite part of working at The Mississauga Food Bank is being able to help our hungry neighbours on a daily basis. She is a firm believer that small acts of kindness can make a big difference in people’s lives. “I get to meet amazing volunteers and speak to wonderful members of the community, and I feel extremely grateful and lucky to be able to see how their hard work and support is having such an immense impact on our food bank users’ life.” One of the most impactful memories I’ve had this year was winning the Non Profit of the Year award.

This was a wonderful achievement for the organization! Being a part of the video for the acceptance speech was an honourable and memorable experience. The greatest challenge for me right now at The Mississauga Food Bank is sending clients more and more nutritious food and adding access to other resources that would be beneficial to them.”

Thank you, Naheed for all your commitment and kindness here at The Mississauga Food Bank. 💚 #StaffSpotlight

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